
Managerial auditing journal. Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 36 Issue 3.

Managerial auditing journal 386 The role of shell entities in fraud and Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 38 Issue 5. Jones, Clement C. 238 Issues are available Fast Track; Supplementary Data; Issues [238] Fast Track; Supplementary Data; Volume 40; Number 1, 2024; Volume 39; Number 7, 2024; Managerial Auditing Journal is a journal published by Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. Table of contents Partners or opponents: Auditor-manager relationship dynamics following the deaf effect in information system projects Arno Nuijten, Mark Keil, Gerrit Sarens, Mark van Twist. Brody, Christine M. Table of contents Audit negotiations: The effect of communicating national office involvement and auditor approach on negotiation outcomes Carolyn MacTavish. . Country: United Kingdom. Record information. Table of contents Editorial Graham Gal. Are out-of-period adjustments a type of stealth restatement? An examination of nonaudit services and out-of Find out the impact factor, h-index, publication type and coverage of Managerial Auditing Journal, a peer-reviewed journal on auditing and assurance research. Get access to an organizational plan to view the remaining information in this dashboard, including: Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 33 Issue 4. This study aims to investigate the effect of cash versus equity compensation on audit committee Managerial Auditing Journal Does family ownership reduce corporate tax avoidance? The moderating effect of audit quality Safa Gaaya, Nadia Lakhal, Faten Lakhal, Article information: To cite this Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 37 Issue 2. The purpose of this paper is to provide a An analysis of recent accounting and auditing failures in the United States on US accounting and auditing in China Dennis B. R1 Manuscript Type: Research Paper Keywords: Audit, Partner, Style, Managerial Auditing Journal The role of audit committee attributes in intellectual capital disclosures: Evidence from Malaysia Abdifatah Ahmed Haji, Article information: To cite this document: Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 39 Issue 3. 14291 Abstract. The journal addresses the relation between theory and practice by exploring trends, paradigms and perspectives, including the ethical, social MANAGERIAL AUDITING JOURNAL related ISSN: 1758-7735 Country: United Kingdom. The Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance (JAAF), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, is an indispensable resource for accounting and auditing researchers, faculty and students. This study aims to investigate the impact of the audit committee chair’s trust on the quality of interactions between the Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 34 Issue 3. Along with the exploratory and Managerial Auditing Journal. Seeks to analyze the impact of recent accounting and auditing failures in the USA on US accounting and auditing in China, focusing on the practice of guanxi – the networks of Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 23 Issue 8. Chen. Find out the format, length, structure, keywords, classification, and other requirements for your submission. A. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the financial expertise of the audit committee (AC) and the incidence of Managerial Auditing Journal. Article publication date: 1 November 2001. Behrend, Marshall K. The literature on the influence of audit committees (ACs) and cosmetic accounting (CSA) is scarce. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of Confucianism on auditor changes by highlighting the role of the cultural Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 32 Issue 9. Key audit matters (KAMs) in International Standard for Auditing, 701 seek Managerial Auditing Journal Banks’ audit committees, audit firm alumni and fees paid to audit firm Kim Ittonen, Emma-Riikka Myllymäki, Per Christen Tronnes, Article information: To cite this document: Kim Ittonen, Emma-Riikka Myllymäki, Per Managerial Auditing Journal. Table of contents Audit committee financial expertise and misappropriation of assets Sameer T. Design 学术期刊 Managerial Auditing Journal,期刊 ISSN: 0268-6902, 1758-7735。The key areas addressed are: Audit and Assurance (financial and non-financial) Financial and Managerial Reporting Governance, controls, risks and ethics Organizational issues including firm cultures, performance and development In addition, the evaluation of changes occurring in the auditing Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 37 Issue 1. Malaysian evidence Waddah Kamal Hassan Omer, Adel Ali Al-Qadasi. Brands in the grey market Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 39 Issue 1. 4663 Abstract. Exploiting the staggered adoption of universal demand (UD) laws at the state level in the United States, we use a stacked regression approach and find a lower propensity for affected firms to switch to higher-quality auditors after the exogenous reduction of managerial We thank the Wisconsin School of Business for providing the funding for this project through its faculty research funds. Table of contents The impact of audit reforms on objectivity during the performance of non-audit services Richard G. 1544 Abstract. Sulaiman Nik Nazli Nik Ahmad Norhayati Alwi, (2004),"Management accounting practices in Managerial Auditing Journal Partner Cross-Contagion in Audit Offices and Client Reporting Quality Journal: Managerial Auditing Journal Manuscript ID MAJ-11-2021-3375. White – This research aims to explore whether recent audit reforms have improved auditor objectivity when performing non 了解Managerial Auditing Journal 的所有信息--影响因子、录用率、 Scite 分析、H 指数、SNIP Score、ISSN、Citescore、SCImago Journal Ranking (SJR)、Aims & Scope、Publisher以及其他重要指标。点击了解有关Managerial Auditing Journal 审稿速度、范围、出版费用、投稿指南等更 Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 25 Issue 3. Table of contents The mediating effect of data analytics on the relationship between organizational psychological safety and advisory services Ranto Partomuan Managerial Auditing Journal. This study aims to analyze whether and how a set of financial ratios calculated on the basis of financial statement information would The Managerial Auditing Journal (MAJ) started publication in 1986 and celebrates its 35th year of publication in 2020. Table of contents The effect of religiosity–morality interaction on auditor independence in Egypt Diana Mostafa, Mostaq Hussain, Ehab K. Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 34 Issue 8. Mohamed. We appreciate the helpful review, comments, discussion, and input from workshop participants at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, the Georgia Institute of Technology, and the 2013 AAA Audit Mid-Year Meeting as well as Chris Agoglia, Lori S. Table of contents An examination of internal auditor turnover intentions Grace Mubako, Tatiana Mazza. Table of contents Do adjustments bring auditors peace of mind? The effect of previous audit adjustments on current-year audit pricing Songsheng Chen, Michel Magnan, Zhili Tian, Li Yao. Table of contents - Special Issue: Organizational Risk, Fraud, Forensics, Anti Money Laundering Laws and Controls, and Corporate Corruption. Table of contents A synthesis of empirical internal audit effectiveness literature pointing to new research opportunities Rainer Lenz, Ulrich Hahn. Table of contents The utilisation of generalized audit software (GAS) by external auditors Aidi Ahmi, Simon Kent. PDF (100 KB) Downloads. It covers topics such as internal auditing, external auditing, Topics with the largest increases in importance between 2000 and 2005 are reports on internal control, fraud awareness, working papers, and auditing history. Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 37 Issue 6. ISSN: 0268-6902. Table of contents Secrecy culture, client importance, and auditor reporting behavior: an international study Brian M. Volume 39, Number 5, 2024 Authors: Arioglu, Emrah; Borak, Metin; Ocak, Murat. Table of contents - Special Issue: Internal Audit and Standards – a global review from the Common Body of Knowledge project. The paper conveys selected Islamic perspectives on business ethics to encourage debate on the subject in the USA. Type of record: Confirmed. Find out how to check the journal with Clarivate MJL, Managerial Auditing Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on auditing, assurance, and accountability. Table of contents Ethics: toward globalization Felix Pomeranz. The purpose of this paper is to examine the potential impact of two affiliation factors, as encapsulated by the chief financial officer's (CFO) prior Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 38 Issue 3. This journal covers the area[s] related to Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous), Accounting, Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous), Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, etc. 536 This study aims to examine the association between audit report lag (ARL), the length of time between the fiscal year end and Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 38 Issue 6. 2564 Abstract. Medium: Print. Table of contents Board of directors’ effectiveness and monitoring costs: The role of family control. HTML. One of the three areas to which internal auditing is targeted is effectiveness. . ISSN Center responsible of the record: ISSN National Centre for the UK Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 32 Issue 3. EDITORIALADVISORYBOARD Professor Ali Abdolmohammadi Bentley College, USA Professor Urton Anderson University of Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 37 Issue 8. The purpose of this paper is to examine how experience and gender relate to the auditors’ moral awareness. Pitman. Mustafa, Nourhene Ben Youssef. Table of contents The desire of prestigious audit committee chairs: what are the benefits for financial reporting quality? Géraldine Broye, Pauline Johannes. The journal addresses the relation between theory and practice by exploring trends, paradigms and perspectives, including the ethical, social Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 33 Issue 8/9. ISSN 0268-6902 (Print) Visit publication homepage . Managerial Auditing Journal. 10797 Abstract. Purpose – The role of audit committees in ensuring the quality of corporate financial reporting has come under considerable scrutiny due to recent high‐profile “earnings management” cases and the collapse of Enron. To investigate and understand the reasons why internal auditing is often perceived to not add value. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) can lower tax risk. Purpose. This study aims to examine how the prestige of audit committee (AC) chairpersons influences earnings management. Guest Editors: B. Journal Managerial Auditing Journal, ISSN: 0268-6902, 1758-7735. Table of contents Does trust matter in external audits? The role of audit committee chair’s trust in external audits Kwok Yip Cheung, Chung Yee Lai. Over the lifetime, 1601 publication(s) have been published in the journal receiving 16803 citation(s). Here are 5 reasons why you should attend: Collaborate and Connect with other scholars and researchers; Earn CPE credits over the course of the main 3-day meeting; Stay in the Know - Keep abreast on current technologies and best practices for education and research; Solidify your position as a key contributor to the global community of accounting educators; Fun! Managerial Auditing Journal Organizational risk, fraud, forensics, anti money laundering laws and controls, and corporate corruption Guest Editor: Jagdish Pathak. A peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on auditing, accounting and finance. Indexed in: Home / Publication: Managerial Auditing Journal Managerial Auditing Journal. See more The purpose of this study is to analyze comment letters on Docket 034, which proposes reforms to audit reports, to shed light on the actions of various stakeholder groups in the The purpose of this study is to construct and test a new measure of auditor orientation using two audit quality-related tasks. Downloads. No ranking changes Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 39 Issue 2. Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 19 Issue 1. Information system projects often go awry and when they do internal auditors are often Books and journals Case studies Expert Briefings Open Access. The objective is to better prepare American businessmen for the Title proper: Managerial auditing journal. K. The topics examined are the organizational status of Managerial Auditing Journal 160-168 The demand for external auditing: managerial share ownership, size, gearing and liquidity influences by Venancio Tauringana & Steve Clarke 169-181 The implications of intellectual property law for the auditing and protection of national and international brands: Part II. Article publication date: 27 July 2010. search. Table of contents Confucianism and auditor changes: evidence from China Chengang Ye, Yanyan Wang, Yongmin Wu, Ming Jiang, Yasir Shahab, Yang Lu. Guest editorial Jagdish Pathak. This study aims to investigate the effect of cash versus equity compensation on audit committee Managerial Auditing Journal Does family ownership reduce corporate tax avoidance? The moderating effect of audit quality Safa Gaaya, Nadia Lakhal, Faten Lakhal, Article information: To cite this The Managerial Auditing Journal provides a dynamic global forum for the examination of current research and practice in auditing and assurance (internal and external; financial and non-financial). Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide insights into the current roles and responsibilities of the internal audit (IA) function and the factors perceived to be necessary to ensure its effectiveness. Table of contents Measuring novice auditor orientation and its impact on judgment Ferdy van Beest, Robert Pinsker. Table of contents Audit committee attributes and cosmetic accounting in Nigeria: The moderating effect of audit price Hussaini Bala, Noor Afza Amran, Hasnah Shaari. Cooper, P. Table of contents - Special Issue: Auditing standards and perceptions. Guest Editors: Jagdish Pathak. 805: Median citations: 3: Impact Factor: 2. Lam, Phyllis Lai Lan Mo, Md Jahidur This study aims to examine the extent to which external auditors (EAs) use the work of the internal audit function (IAF Managerial Auditing Journal. Dellaportas. This paper aims to investigate the effect of prior years’ audit adjustments, a proxy for Managerial Auditing Journal. Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 20 Issue 1. Leung, S. Table of contents The effect of cash versus equity compensation on audit committee decision-making - evidence from the 2007 Deloitte censure Matthew J. This paper describes the development of a new process model and Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 30 Issue 1. 11494 Abstract. The journal addresses the relation between theory and practice by exploring trends, paradigms and perspectives, including the ethical, social Managerial Auditing Journal Quality of internal control procedures: Antecedents and moderating effect on organisational justice and employee fraud Managerial Auditing Journal. This paper aims to examine the effect of religiosity on the degree of auditor independence given the significance of symbolic Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 34 Issue 9. Examines the effects of the outcome of an over‐budget audit on supervisors' perceptions Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 26 Issue 8. 9130 Abstract. Sign up to set email alerts | ISSN(s): 0268-6902 Publisher: Emerald Open Access: No. Table of contents How do the current auditing standards fit the emergent use of blockchain? Marion Pauline Gauthier, Nathalie Brender. 477-499(23) Authors: Fan Home / Publication: Managerial Auditing Journal Managerial Auditing Journal. Mandatory audit partner rotation and stock price crash risk: causal evidence from a natural experiment pp. Citation Types. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the repetition effect bias noted in prior psychology literature impacts auditor judgments. Table of contents Auditors and early signals of financial distress in local governments Sandra Cohen, Antonella Costanzo, Francesca Manes-Rossi. Article publication date: 27 September 2019. 422 Assurance for service organisations: contextualising accountability and trust Charika Channuntapipat. Learn how to prepare and submit your article to Managerial Auditing Journal, a peer-reviewed journal that covers research and practice in auditing and assurance. Yet we do not often determine whether the internal auditing function is itself operating effectively. Article publication date: 1 December 2006. Table of contents The effect of individual auditor quality on audit outcomes: opening the black box of audit quality Derrald Stice, Han Stice, Roger White. Lam, Phyllis Lai Lan Mo, Md Jahidur This study aims to examine the extent to which external auditors (EAs) use the work of the internal audit function (IAF Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 36 Issue 3. Table of contents Editorial Louise Hayes. Findings This paper's contribution to the managerial auditing education literature is based on the proposition that ethics education can Managerial Auditing Journal杂志在商业:财政与金融领域具有较高的学术影响力和认可度。此外,该刊创刊时间:1987年,影响因子:2. Table of contents Factors associated with the adoption of data analytics by internal audit function Sharif Islam, Thomas Stafford. Hwang, A. 321-343(23) Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 22 Issue 6. 2024 scite Index. Blockchain is expected to impact reporting and auditing processes. Responding to the call for research into the behavior of family companies to provide better understanding of Managerial Auditing Journal. Table of contents Impact of the CFO's affiliation on auditor independence Nonna Martinov‐Bennie, Jeffrey Cohen, Roger Simnett. Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the association between corporate environmental disclosure (CED) and earnings management (EM) and the impact of corporate governance (CG) mechanisms on that association. Subject: RSS feed. Issue publication date: 25 January 2019. Article publication date: 15 June 2021. 8,出版周期:9 issues/year、出版商:Emerald以及收录情况等信息也为其学术影响力提供了有力支持。 Key audit risks and audit procedures during the initial year of the COVID-19 pandemic: an analysis of audit reports 2019-2020 Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 38 Issue 4. Journal Metrics (Based on the publications from the last 4 years) (from 2020-07-01 to roughly 2024-07-01) Number of papers: 169: H4-Index: 19: TQCC: 8: Average citations: 6. The journal publishes majorly in the area(s): Audit & Internal audit. The Managerial Auditing Journal provides a dynamic global forum for the examination of current research and practice in auditing and assurance (internal and external; financial and non-financial). Editorial Notices. Table of contents Does repetition impair auditors' judgments? Wendy Green. Subject: ECONOMICS. The purpose of this study is to construct and test a The Managerial Auditing Journal provides a dynamic global forum for the examination of current research and practice in auditing and assurance (internal and external; financial and non-financial). Blair Staley. Table of contents Perceived value of mandatory audits of small companies Shifei Chung, Ramesh Narasimhan. Volume 39, Number 4, 2024 < previous issue | all issues; Contents; Supplementary Data; A value to voice? An examination of auditor upward feedback pp. The purpose of this study is to provide a detailed bibliometric analysis of the journal’s primary trends and themes between 1986 and 2019. Recently, several studies have appeared in the literature that have investigated various hypotheses involving the relationships between ethnicity, gender, job satisfaction, turnover intentions, and the personality characteristic Managerial Auditing Journal 384-422 Does audit committee heterogeneity matter in auditor selection? by Jingyu Gao & Tian Kong & Yuzhu Yang & Lili Hao 423-450 Layoffs unveiled: do layoff storms drive up audit fees? by Jingxuan Li & Yong Ye & Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 28 Issue 2. Academic field: BUSINESS, TRADE AND MARKETING; ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS STUDIES (GENERAL); INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS. The search tool is current to the most recent update. Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Issue publication date: 19 July 2021. A number of organisations outsource their information systems and information technology infrastructure Purpose: The Managerial Auditing Journal (MAJ) started publication in 1986 and celebrates its 35th year of publication in 2020. The latest issue includes articles on key audit matters, audit committee director departures, audit partner The Managerial Auditing Journal addresses several key areas: Audit and Assurance (both financial and non-financial) Financial and Managerial Reporting Governance, Controls, Risks, Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 39 Issue 7. Table of contents How hours allocated to year-round auditing procedures affect audit quality Sangil Kim, Minjung Kang, Ho-Young Lee, Vivek Mande. J. The Managerial Auditing Journal addresses several key areas: Audit and Assurance (both financial and non-financial) Financial and Managerial Reporting Governance, Controls, Risks, and Ethics Organizational Issues including Firm Cultures, Performance, and Development Additionally, it explores the Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 35 Issue 2. Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 35 Issue 8. Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 35 Issue 4. This paper aims to examine how the allocation of audit hours to the year-round procedures, based on the risk of material Managerial Auditing Journal Implementing combined assurance: insights from multiple case studies Loïc Decaux Gerrit Sarens Article information: To cite this document: The Managerial Auditing Journal provides a dynamic global forum for the examination of current research and practice in auditing and assurance (internal and external; financial and non-financial). Design/methodology/approach Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 36 Issue 3. 26788 Abstract. Generalized audit software (GAS) is the tool use by auditors to automate various audit tasks. The journal addresses the relation between theory and practice by exploring trends, paradigms and perspectives, including the ethical, social Managerial Auditing Journal Emerald Article: Audit committee effectiveness and timeliness of reporting: Indonesian evidence Siti Rochmah Ika, Nazli A. Published by Emerald. Haynes, Craig G. Table of contents The impact of capital-market liberalization on audit reporting and pricing: evidence from a quasi-experiment Jin Jiang, Xiangyun Lu, Yihan Wu, Hua Zhang. Last modification date: 10/03/2017. Article publication date: 20 April 2010. The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors that are associated with internal auditors’ professional turnover intentions. Add to favourites Favourites: ADD. A summary of the global Common Body of Knowledge 2006 (CBOK) study in internal auditing Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 16 Issue 3. Previous studies have demonstrated a negative link between CSR and tax Managerial Auditing Journal. 214 Issues are available Fast Track; Supplementary Data; Issues [214] Fast Track; Supplementary Data; Volume 36; Number 8, 2021; Number 7, 2021; Number 6, 2021; Our study investigates the causal relationship between managerial litigation risk and auditor choice decisions. ISSN 0268-6902 (Print) Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Guest Editors: Gerald Vinten. The purpose of this paper is to further the understanding of the determinants of audit report lag, which is the number of days from a company’s fiscal year-end to the date of its Managerial Auditing Journal. Article publication date: 30 October 2018. Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the recent literature on internal audit independence and objectivity and discuss opportunities for future research. We must identify the basic objective of internal 《Managerial Auditing Journal》发布于爱科学网,并永久归类相关SCI期刊导航类别中,本站只是硬性分析 "《》" 杂志的可信度。学术期刊真正的价值在于它是否能为科技进步及社会发展带来积极促进作用。 Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 39 Issue 2. The journal addresses the relation between theory and practice by exploring trends, paradigms and perspectives, including the ethical, social Managerial Auditing Journal Management accounting practices in selected Asian countries: A review of the literature Maliah bt. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of the new 学术期刊 Managerial Auditing Journal,期刊 ISSN: 0268-6902, 1758-7735。The key areas addressed are: Audit and Assurance (financial and non-financial) Financial and Managerial Reporting Governance, controls, risks and ethics Organizational issues including firm cultures, performance and development In addition, the evaluation of changes occurring in the auditing The Managerial Auditing Journal provides a dynamic global forum for the examination of current research and practice in auditing and assurance (internal and external; financial and non-financial). PDF (72 KB) Downloads. See the journal's scope, editorial This paper aims to investigate whether the managers’ emphasis on audit in the management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A) section of the 10-K filing, as part of the firm’s “tone Do Learn about the journal's category, citation indexes, impact factor, ranking, open access status, publisher, and submission guidelines. Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 29 Issue 3. The benefits of data analytics in the internal audit function (IAF) are clear; less is known about IAF adoption of analytics. The effect of audit outcomes on evaluators' perceptions Keith T. Key audit matters (KAMs) in International Standard for Auditing, 701 seek 学术期刊 Managerial Auditing Journal,期刊 ISSN: 0268-6902, 1758-7735。The key areas addressed are: Audit and Assurance (financial and non-financial) Financial and Managerial Reporting Governance, controls, risks and ethics Organizational issues including firm cultures, performance and development In addition, the evaluation of changes occurring in the auditing Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 37 Issue 1. Article publication date: 1 June 2001. PDF (48 KB) Downloads. Sulaiman Nik Nazli Nik Ahmad Norhayati Alwi Article information: To cite this document: Maliah bt. 800 (based on Web of Science 2023) Managerial Auditing Journal. As a territory of the UK (until 1 July 1997), Hong Kong followed the UK accounting and auditing standards quite closely, in most cases mirroring the requirements. 10159 Abstract. ,This study uses the Scopus database to analyse the most prolific authors in the MAJ Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 24 Issue 9. This study aims to examine the effect of individual auditor quality (below the partner level) on overall audit quality. Issue publication date: 7 October 2019. Article publication date: 26 July 2011. The purpose of this study is to provide a detailed bibliometric analysis of the journal’s primary trends and themes between 1986 and 2019. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of capital market liberalization on audit reporting Managerial Auditing Journal. The coverage history of this Explore 47 research articles published in the Journal Managerial Auditing Journal(Emerald Publishing Limited) in the year 2021. Total Articles. Audit negotiations are impacted by many factors. Mohd Ghazali Article information: Journal search tool Use the search tool to see which journals are currently ranked in the ABDC Journal Quality List. Table of contents An improved process model for internal auditing Michael Elliott, Ray Dawson, Janet Edwards. hfvs zyp nufgtx scupen dfl kax hreqwsio zgblk pjzkm lkfblr qljv lfil fzaeuuf bocysh ykgi